Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 14, 2017

Trump appears to have officially lost control of everything.

We’ve got the DACA babies, we’ve got no wall, now we’ve got a condemnation of white people.

Wall Street Journal:

The White House said Wednesday that President Donald Trump will sign a bipartisan congressional resolution condemning white nationalists, after the measure passed both chambers earlier this week. The joint resolution targets the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and other hate groups and urges the Trump administration “to use all available resources to address the threats posed by those groups.”

What threats, specifically?
What have we threatened?
And what resources?

What is going on here? 

Lawmakers said the legislation would put the president on the record opposing hate groups after violence erupted at a racially charged rally in Virginia last month. White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Wednesday the president would sign the legislation.

“He looks forward to doing so,” Sanders said in the daily White House press briefing.
Trump drew criticism from members of both parties over the summer after blaming “both sides” for tense protests and counterprotests that erupted in the city of Charlottesville, Va., in a combative news conference on Aug. 15.

I am disgusted as fuck.

There is zero way Trump could have gotten elected without “Neo-Nazis” – whatever the fuck that even is.

And now we’re being condemned.

Does the “resolution” define what “Neo-Nazi” means?

It does not.


This is while 10% of the country – that is 1/6 white people, so probably about a third of Republicans – say it is fine to be a “Neo-Nazi.”
There is no popular support against us  –  there is popular support against the people who viciously attacked us in Charlottesville.
 And the proof that James Fields DID NOT ‘murder’ Heather Heyer – that she died of an unrelated heart attack because she was so fat – is already out.


No one on the right side in Charlottesville did anything wrong.  This is a fact  And the whole “White Supremacist Neo-Nazi” thing is in the process of collapsing due to the fact  that Black Lives Matter is already attacking statues of Thomas Jefferson.

These are easy wins. But Trump isn’t taking them.  And it isn’t like the Jews are going to forgive Trump. Under any circumstances.

All he is doing is imploding his own Presidency. This is Jews separating Trump from his own base – and he is not resisting it. He is broken and tired. That is where we are now.



THE DAILY STORMER: After Saying “Nigger” on a Livestream, PewDiePie Releases Scathing Video Mocking People Who Apologize for Things

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 12, 2017

After having said “nigger” on a livestream, PewDiePie took the opportunity of being attacked by the filthy  kike media to release a parody video of an apology video, brutally mocking the sort of cucks who apologize for things.

In the scathing parody apology, you can clearly see that the video is explicitly designed to be as over-da-top and silly as possible, a directed attack on the losers who do things like say “nigger” in a livestream and then apologize for it.

This is basically funnier than just being like, “yeah, I hate niggers   –  so what, bitch?” because some of the media will think this fake apology is real and attack him for attempting to give a real apology.

Soon, PewDiePie will realize that there is nothing left to lose, and he has to go full-on.

He’s going to get kicked off of YouTube eventually either way  –  so he might as well pull the whole structure down on the way out.

Susan Bro Update

In a related development, we are 24 hours out from  the release of the final proof  that fatty fat fat Heather Heyer did not get hit  by a car, and instead just fell over and died of a heart attack because she was so fat.

Unlike PewDiePie’s  fake parody apology, the lumbering slob  Susan Bro, fat mama of fat Heather, needs to issue a real apology for hoaxing that her daughter’s death on someone’s fault other than her own.  If she wants to go on a crusade, she should go on a crusade against the FDA for refusing to regulate trans fats and high fructose corn syrup.

If Bro does not apologize soon to white people and specific to James Fields  –  who she has wrongly blamed for  “murder” –  I am going to organize a protest in front of her house.

In fact, we’re not just doing a protest in front of her house  –  we’re going to camp out there,  like Occupy Wall Street.



THE DAILY STORMER: #OpNotMyBro: Definitive Proof Heather Heyer Wasn’t Even Hit by a Car

Comment:  Lugenpress,  Jews, Antifa and Liberals are utter hoaxers and liars.  They rely on harassment and never truth.  Everything these demons do is tainted by corrupt practices and rituals,  these imps swear by virtue signaling knowing  full well that human beings are just trying to live productive lives  –  they are ultimately Anti-Life – everything Jews propose is contaminated with violent longing for degeneracy and murder.  Jews cannot even imagine what being human is about, this is why they want to destroy Us and our world.



Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 11, 2017

It is conclusive: Heather Heyer was not ever hit by James Fields’ Dodge, she wasn’t hit by any of the cars that the Dodge bumped into.  She was standing around near the accident and got knocked over by people and then died of a heart attack.

Following Hunter Wallace’s work in reconstructing Heyer’s movements on the day of the Charlottesville event, a  YouTuber was able to identify Heather in one of the videos of the crash, and show that she basically just fell down and died because she was so fat.

You notice that the media has ceased talking about this. This is because they had access already to the fact that “blunt force trauma” was not included in the autopsy report.

The media was hoping we would never find out.

But we have found out. This entire event was a gigantic scam and a hoax. As fake as Trayvon Martin being an innocent baby,  as fake as weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. A gigantic Jewish hoax.

The Face of This Hoax

The bulbous face of this hoax remains Heather Heyer‘s sloppy fat lying mother Susan Bro, who continues to pretend as though “white supremacy”  had something to do with her daughter’s death.  However, if the dumb bitch had taken the advice of  “white supremacists”  like me and gone on the paleo diet,  switched to vape from Newports, exercised and done intermittent fasting, there is no way she would have died from getting bumped over.


The slob Susan Bro, who looks like MODOK, is on the war path against whites.

She has created “The Heather Heyer Foundation”  which appears to be a fraudulent way to illegally collect money.


You can email that foundation here, and ask for evidence that it is not just a scam:

She doesn’t put a phone number on there, but I’m sure we can find one –  even though I’m not sure this foundation actually exists,  they have to have some kind of a phone number if they are pretending to.

We need to continue to demand that she issue an apology to white people and specifically to James Fields, whom she has wrongly accused of murder.

James Fields will Walk

The media is silent because they know no murder charge is going to stick.

James Fields  is going to go lose on reckless driving. Maybe do six months in jail. They’re going to try to drag the thing out as long as possible, so people forget about what happened.

So another thing we need to push for is a speedy trial for James Fields.

The narrative has already collapsed. This video of Heyer dying after getting knocked over by a guy moving out of the way seals the deal. There is nothing left of it.

They aren’t going to try to litigate it like they did Trayvon and Michael Brown, because whites are not as stupid as the blacks.  They’re trying to drag it out a while and then quietly bury it.

But I am going to put together a fund for James Fields to do a speaking tour explaining his side of the story once he gets out, which should be within a couple of months.